What Matters in Finance engine

What Matters in Finance

How to complete it

Grab a pen and paper and scroll down to scan the 9 areas that often matter in the world of a Finance leader - it's time to help unlock what's going on for you. 

But first - you need to take a bit of 'me-time'......!

Commit to 10 minutes in a quiet spot - it simply won't work if your head's full of distractions like email, Whatsapp and other 'chatter'.  

Next, click on the heading you're most drawn to and take a moment to read the first question, pausing to let it sink in before you start to answer it.  Be comfortable giving yourself the time and space to think. If you’re happy with the answers or nothing in particular comes up for you, try a different area.  

As you pick a new topic, make a note of any tangible steps you could take to improve things – however small.  In this case, less really is more – a few achievable steps that you follow through on are a lot better than creating a long to-do list that you don’t revisit.

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